Fill your cookies with scrumptiously sweet strawberry jam and try our easy Strawberry Jam Cookies. You'll enjoy our easy slice and bake technique on these...
Bring out some citrus zing with our Lemon-Cream Cheese Cupcakes. These cream cheese cupcakes are full of lemon flavor and are topped with a zesty frosting....
Combine chocolate and coffee in our Mocha Pot de Crème recipe from My Food and Family. This custard looks impressive for dinner parties, but the Mocha...
Layer the perfect combination of chocolate and fruit with this White Chocolate-Cranberry Cake. Melted white chocolate and orange juice make the perfect...
Make these festive and delicious Holiday Cheesecake Squares from My Food and Family for all of your friends this season! The best things come in small...
Take one bite of strawberry-topped Chocolate Belgian Waffles and you'll feel as though you're being transported to a French bistro. These Chocolate Belgian...
Spiff up your next social occasion with Lemon-White Chocolate Mini Cheesecakes. These Lemon-White Chocolate Mini Cheesecakes are tiny but mighty. The flavor...
Imagine the flavors of Fall and Winter merge to create the ideal dessert. Bake our Gingerbread-Pumpkin Crumble Bars for your friends and family. These...
Try a new twist on a Christmas classic with Chocolate-Gingerbread Cookies! Our Chocolate-Gingerbread Cookies recipe features chewy gingerbread cookies...
Add a little zest to your macaroons with these White Chocolate-Lemon Macaroons! Drizzle these White Chocolate-Lemon Macaroons with a bit of melted semi-sweet...
Surprise your loved ones with BAKER'S Mocha Brownie Sweethearts for any special occasion. Using just a cookie cutter, these mocha brownies look like they...
Spice up your holiday celebrations or autumn office potlucks with this simple and delectable Brownie-Pumpkin Trifle. With seasonal pumpkin spice pudding,...
Learn to make sugar cookies from scratch with My Food and Family! This simple recipe for a family favorite is the only recipe you'll ever need for making...
Start this Chocolate Bliss Cheesecake with an chocolate sandwich cookie crust! This Chocolate Bliss Cheesecake has whipped chocolate goodness in every...